Onthe bright and beautiful day in spring, Professor LIAO Zhong-xing, tenuredprofessor of the world’s leading cancer treatment institution, MD. AndersonCancerCenter,and world famous radiotherapy expert, visited our hospital. President LIUJing-shi, Secretary ZHOU Xiao, and other leaders of our hospital, directors ofrelated departments, and specialists from clinical departments presented at thesymposium.
Duringthe symposium, Secretary ZHOU Xiao advocated “Following MD. Anderson Cancer Center Abroad”, conveyingthe wishes to establish cooperation with MD. AndersonCancerCenter,form Sister Hospitals, and enter into the partnership system of internationalcancer treatment. Based on the protocol frame, Memorandum of Cooperationbetween MD. Anderson Cancer Center and Hunan Cancer Hospital, signed by bothsides in 2012, President LIU Jing-shi further put forward the cooperativetarget of becoming Sister Hospitals in 3-5 years, and reached an agreement withProfessor LIAO on specific cooperative plans as to R&D cooperation,academic researches, personnel training and exchanging, jointly organizinginternational training program, cohosting international academic conference,and so on. Professor LIAO said, as a former specialist from HunanCancerHospital,she was more than willing to help set up platforms and offer important guidanceand suggestions to help develop the hospital.
Thesymposium was held in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere and was veryconstructive and fruitful. Let us sincerely wish that HunanCancerHospitalwill fulfill her dream of becoming the fifth Sister Hospital of MD. AndersonCancerCenter in China.