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Call for Papers

2015-03-02Source: Hunan Cancer Hospital

Call for Papers:

Deadline: March 30th, 2015 (Times New Roman11th word)

Paper accepted date: April 30th, 2015

Email address: xymdacc@163.com

Please go to official website http://xymdacc.hnzlyy.com for detail. 

Contact Information:

Official website: http://xymdacc.hnzlyy.com

Contact Number and Staff: +86-731-89762609 MingjingPeng, Juan Wang

Secretary: Mingjing Peng, Cell Number:+86-18274889545

Please go to official website http://xymdacc.hnzlyy.com for detail.

Radiation contactor: Xuping Xi: +86-13974806077;Hui Wang: +86-13973135460

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The Host:MD Anderson Cancer Center Radiation Oncology

The Organizer:Hunan Cancer Hospital

The Organizer

Hunan Cancer Hospital

Add: 283 Tongzipo Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, 410013, Hunan, P.R. China

Tel: +86-731-88651900

Fax: +86-731-88651900

Mail: hnszlyy_network@163.com

Site: www.hnzlyy.com

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