Doctors of our hospital's Oncoplastic Surgery have successfully removed a giant hemangioma in a patient's jugular, maxillofacial and thoracic region, recently.
Thirty-eight years ago, our patient, Mr. Tan, found a soft neck neoplasm in his body, and it was diagnosed with hemangioma. With no obvious discomfort, Mr Tan ignored it until more than a decade ago, when the lump began to grow in an excessive manner. He had been to many hospitals for treatment, but suffered a failed procedure in the local hospital. There was massive bleeding during the operation, so the doctor had to stitch the incision.
The continual vascular anomalies affected the appearance and function of the patient's head and neck; as a result, he was unable to lead a conventional life or work. And what's worse, Mr Tan was poor, and had to live on welfare money. He came here admiring our hospital, and was treated in the Oncoplastic Surgery as a hemangioma patient.
The patient arrived with a large, visible soft tissue mass under the left, right and maxillofacial region. It was about 325px*325px*450px in size, il-defined(?), spongy. Professor Zhou Xiao, secretary of the hospital Party Committee and director of Oncoplastic Surgery, carefully designed a therapeutic regimen—intervention before operation.
The patient was transferred to our department of intervention on March 21, 2014. Prof. Gu Shanzhi, director of our department, carried out a DSA-guided sclerotherapy on the thoracic wall and infraclavicula hemangioma under regional infiltration anaesthesia. The therapy shrank the tumor and reduced the blood flow. On June 12, when Mr Tan returned, a multi-disciplinary team of several experts was deployed by Prof. Zhou; they analyzed the diagnoses of the condition many times, and worked out various surgery options and emergency measures in surgery.
Mr Tan had his surgery under general anesthesia on June 12. Competent Prof. Zhou, using his highly innovative tools, sutured the neoplasm to reduce the flow of blood as much as possible, and then temporarily occluded the infraclavicular blood flow after all possible precautions were taken. The operation was completed successfully after more than five hours, with assistance from OuYang Shujuan, director of the Blood Transfusion Department, who draws up personalized transfusion programs according to patients' actual situation.
With careful nursing by experienced physicians and nurses, Mr. Tan is well on the way to recovery.
Peng Cuie, Oncoplastic Surgery; Dai Jie, Second Department of Head and Neck Surgery
The Host:MD Anderson Cancer Center Radiation Oncology
The Organizer:Hunan Cancer Hospital
Add: 283 Tongzipo Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, 410013, Hunan, P.R. China
Tel: +86-731-88651900
Fax: +86-731-88651900
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