- Introduction -

The conference will be an excellent forum for international communication between Hunan Cancer Hospital Affiliated CancerHospital of Xiangya Medical College of CentralSouth University that has one hundred year history and University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center one of the bestcomprehensive cancer center in the world. The theme of the conference is “Enhance the TherapeuticRatio for Cancer Treatment”


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Hunan Cancer Hospital

Among the 100 best general hospitals in China, Hunan Cancer Hospital or the Cancer Hospital affiliated to Xiangya School of Medicine of ... [more]


The Host

The Host:MD Anderson Cancer Center Radiation Oncology

The Organizer:Hunan Cancer Hospital

April 30th

Submission deadline

April 30th

Registration deadline

June 12th

The registration

June 13th

The meeting

The Organizer

Hunan Cancer Hospital

Add: 283 Tongzipo Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, 410013, Hunan, P.R. China

Tel: +86-731-88651900

Fax: +86-731-88651900

Mail: hnszlyy_network@163.com

Site: www.hnzlyy.com

Traffic Guide

The Co-organizor