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2015 湘雅—MD安德森癌症中心国际肿瘤医学论坛

2015 MD 安德森放射肿瘤/Fletcher协会年会



2015-6-12 报到

2015-6-13 学科会议

08:00-08:50开幕式 主会场大厅
肿瘤学的前景和未来方向概述 主会场
08:00-08:50主持人 Moderators:廖仲星 Zhongxing Liao 卫计委国际合作处负责人UT MDACC and Hunan Cancer Hospital GAP Sister Institution Agreement Signing Ceremony 美国德州大学安德森癌症中心与湘雅医学院附属湖南省肿瘤医院姊妹医院签字仪式 主会场大厅 Main meeting hall
08:50-09:30主持人Moderators: Shiao Woo 教授,Zhongxing Liao 教授Fletcher Society Gold Medal Presentation
08:50-09:00Dr. Shiao WooIntroduction of Dr. Guo Liang Jiang 介绍蒋国梁教授
09:00-09:05Dr. Ethan DmitroviskyFletcher Society Gold Medal Presentation 授奖
09:05-09:30蒋国梁教授 Dr. Guo Liang JiangFletcher Society Gold Medal/Fletcher Distinguished Lecturer 发言:实现梦想 From Dream to Reality
09:30-10:30主持人Moderators: 胡炳强教授,Junjie Chen教授 Keynote speakers
09:30-10:00Zhongxing Liao 教授放射治疗的质量与安全 Quality and Safety in Radiation Therapy
10:00-10:30于金明 院士 Dr. Jinming Yu, Academician癌症病人个体化放射治疗的优势,挑战和未来方向 Personalized Cancer therapy - Benefit, Challenges, and Direction
10:30-11:00Charles Lu 教授肺癌的个体化治疗和预防 Personalized cancer prevention and therapy in Lung Cancer
11:00-11:30付小兵 院士 Dr. Xiaobing Fu, Academician积极稳妥地开展生物治疗技术 Safe and Effective Development of Biological Therapy
11:30-12:30主持人 Moderators: 章真,Peirong Yu 教授
11:30-12:00郎锦义 教授 Dr. Jingyi Lang, CSTRO President转化医学在放射肿瘤学中的应用 Application of Translational Research in Cancer Radiotherapy
12:00-12:30周晓 教授 Dr. Xiao Zhou, President of HCH肿瘤整形和重建手术的创新 Innovation in Oncological Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
12:30-13:30Zhongxing Liao, Steven Lin, Shiao Woo午饭 Fletcher 会员会议 Fletcher Society Membership Annual Business Meeting
12:00-13:30午饭 Fletcher 会员会议
学术分会场 Fletcher协会 年会和湖南放射肿瘤学会年会
第一部分主持人 Moderators: Brandon Gunn 教授,邓小武 Dr. Xiaowu Deng,卢泰祥Dr.Taixiang Lu,卢冰Dr.Bing Lu,李宝生Dr.Baosheng Li主题:放射肿瘤学进展 Advancement in Radiation Oncology (1) 分会场 Parallel meeting Hall
13:30-13:55李晔雄 教授 Dr. Yexiong Li结外鼻型NK/T细胞淋巴瘤的预后和治疗 Extranodal Nasal NK/T Cell Lymphoma -Treatment and Prognosis
13:55-14:20王平 教授 Dr. Ping Wang非小细胞肺癌放疗的进展与规范 Advancement and Guideline in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Radiotherapy
14:20-14:45Josef Hammer 教授应用VMAT进行全身放疗的经验 First Clinical Experience in TBI with VMAT
14:45-15:10郭小毛 教授 Dr. Xiaomao Guo靶向药物在放射治疗中的应用进展与思考 Consideration in combined Targeted Therapy Drugs and Radiation Therapy
15:10-15:35王绿化 教授 Dr. Luhua Wang放射性肺损伤的生物标记物和靶 Biomarker and Target for Radiation Pneumonitis
15:35-15:40茶歇 Tea Break
第二部分主持人Moderators: Erik Sulman, 夏廷毅 Dr. Tingyi Xia,金晶Dr.Jing Jin,, 李文辉 Dr. Wenhui Li, 朱广迎 Dr. Guangying Zhu,王建华 Dr. Jianhua Wang主题:生物标记物/分子靶向治疗和免疫 Biomarkers/molecular targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy
15:40-16:05Erich Sturgis 教授HPV 病毒相关癌症的流行病学 The HPV Cancer Epidemic
16:05-16:30Brandon Gunn教授优化口咽癌病人的治疗效果 Optimizing patient outcomes in oropharyngeal cancer
16:30-16:55潘建基 教授 Dr. Jianji Pan鼻咽癌的MicroRNA信号研究 Micro RNA Signal in Nasopharyngeal Cancer
16:55-17:20刘慧 教授 Dr. Hui Liu食管鳞癌的microRNA信号研究 Micro RNA Signal in Esophageal Cancer
17:20-17:45Steven H. Lin 林诗胜 副教授用靶向和免疫治疗放疗增敏 Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy to Enhance Radiotherapy
第三部分(18:05-18;35)主持人Moderators: 孙新臣 Dr. Xinchen Sun惠周光Dr. Zhouguang Hui 易俊林 Dr. Junlin Yi优秀论文演讲(1) Best Abstract Oral presentation (1) 4 presenters 7 minutes each
17:46-17:53Dr. Chad Tang比较非小细胞肺癌质子束放疗与调强放疗对降低放射性肺炎的风险的研究 Decreased risk of radiation pneumonitis with proton beam versus intensity modulated radiation therapy for the definitive treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
17:54-18:02刘志刚 Dr. Zhigang Liu基于恶性胶质瘤原位动物模型基因芯片分析放疗诱导后的信号通路改变 Microarray analysis of fractionated radiotherapy induced signaling pathways changes in orthotopic glioma mouse model
18:03-18:10唐洋 Dr. Yang Tang自噬通路基因单核苷酸多态性与放射性肺炎的关系 Relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms of autophagy pathway genes and radiation pneumonitis
18:11-18:18赵丹 Dr. Dan Zhao立体定向放射治疗提高肺癌患者细胞免疫功能 Cellular immunity enhanced after SBRT, but decreased after conventional fractionated radiotherapy of lung cancer patients
18:19-18:35点评专家: 夏云飞 Dr. Xianglin Yuan, Zhongxing Liao 廖仲星专家点评 Discussant
14:20-15:00Dr.David Jaimovich医疗服务全球化和JCI认证
15:50-16:00茶歇 Tea Break
13:00-13:30湖南省肿瘤医院副院长:谌永毅教授 Professor Chen Yongyi, Vice President of HCH2015年第二届中国血管通路高峰论坛及安全输液新概念培训班开幕式 The opening ceremony of the second Vascular access Summit Forum of China as well as the training class of the new concept of Safe infusion
13:30-14:30中科院肿瘤医院护理部主任:徐波 Xu Bo: Director of nursing department of the Cancer hospital of Chinese academy of sciences化学治疗血管通道安全实践 The Security practices of Vascular channels in Chemical treatment
14:30-15:30湖南省肿瘤医院副院长:谌永毅 Chen Yongyi: Vice President of HCH静疗与专科护士发展 The development of the Intravenous therapy and the Specialist nurses
15:30-17:30美国血管通路专业委员会执行总监:Lois Davis:The executive director of The vascular access professional committee in the USA美国血管通路学会(AVA)的发展 The development of the AVA
17:30-20:00晚餐 Supper
14:30-15:00Charles Lu 教授Current Molecular Targeted Therapies in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
15:00-15:30Robert 教授美国辅助替代治疗现状
16:10-16:40周彩存 教授肺癌靶向治疗
16:40-17:10张弘纲 教授胃癌的分子靶向治疗
17:10-17:40袁响林 教授(K)RAS野生型mCRC患者的整体治疗策略
Fletcher 协会年会及湖南省肿瘤康复医学会学会、湖南省肿瘤专业委员会会场
第一部分 Part 1主题:手术创新/Innovation in Surgical Oncology
13:30-13:55Karen Lu,妇科肿瘤和生殖医学外科主任教授 卵巢癌治疗的进展 Advancements in management of ovarian cancer
13:55-14:20Peirong Yu, 整形外科教授肿瘤整形重建外科的进展 Surgical advances in reconstructive and plastics oncology
14:20-14:45Reza Mehran,心血管和胸部肿瘤外科教授VATS, RATS, Thoracotomy: Does the approach matter?
14:45-15:10Dr. Edjah NduomBrain Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy 脑肿瘤的免疫学及免疫治疗
15:10-15:30茶歇 Tea Break
第二部分 Part 2干细胞/组织工程 Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering
15:30-15:55Chen, Junjie, Professor and Chair, Experimental Radiation OncologyDDR 通路中的蛋白-蛋白网络 Protein-protein network in DDR pathways
15:55-16:20李赞教授 Professor Li ZanDIEP皮瓣在肿瘤整形外科的应用 The Aplication of DIEP in Oncological Surgery Deformity Reconstruction
16:20-16:45Erik Sulman, 副教授, CNS 放射肿瘤科从胶质干细胞了解胶质瘤的生物学 Glioma Stem Cells to understand glioma biology
16:45-17:10Chul S. Ha, 大学放射肿瘤科主任p53-Based Strategy to Reduce Cytotoxicity of DNA Damaging Agents-from Petri dish to Clinics
17:10-17:45夏学峰 教授肿瘤基因组学的临床应用 Cancer genomics:From Benchside to Bedside
17:45-17:55Discussants:专家点评 Discussant
17:55-18:30Moderators:Oral Presentations (5 abstracts 7 minutes each)
13:30-14:10Karen H LuManagement of advanced ovarian cancer :M.D Anderson approach
14:20:15:00ShahabiWhat we don,t know about biology of varian cancer:let,s scrutinize the TCGA date
15:10-15:50吴小华How to validate the safety of radical trachelectomy for IB1 cervical cancer with tumor size ≥2cm
Fletcher Society 年会和湖南放射肿瘤学会年会
第四部分主持人Moderators: Steven H. Lin, 王小虎 Dr. Xiaohu Wang, 石梅 Dr. Mei Shi,张红志Dr.Hongzhi Zhang,王俊杰 Dr. Junjie Wang, 伍钢 Dr. Gang Wu主题:放射肿瘤学进展 Advancement in Radiation Oncology (2)
08:00-08:25Peter Balter 副教授胸部肿瘤的影像引导调强放疗 IGRT/IMRT for thoracic cancers
08:25-08:50马骏 教授 Dr. Jun Ma鼻咽癌的综合治疗 Multidisciplinary Therapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
08:50-09:15Shiao Woo教授儿童肿瘤放疗进展 Advanced technologies to manage pediatric tumors
09:15-09:40陆嘉德教授 Dr. Jiade Lu头颈部肿瘤的质子重离子治疗 Particle Therapy for Head and Neck Radiotherapy
9:40-10:05Jing Li 副教授SBRT/SRS 治疗脊髓和脑肿瘤 SBRT/SRS for spinal and brain tumors
10:05-10:30陈明 教授 Dr. Ming Chen放射性肺损伤:高浓度小体积vs低浓度大体积 Radiation Penumonitis: High dose to small vs. low dose to large
10:30-10:40点评专家:祝淑钗 高黎专家点评 Discussant
第五部分(10:40-11:08)主持人Moderators: 王军 Dr. Jun Wang 曲宝林 Dr. Baolin Qu优秀论文演讲(2) Best Abstract Oral presentation (2) 4 presenters 7 minutes each
10:40-10:47Dr. Wen Jiang立体定向放射治疗联合免疫检查点封闭控制黑色素瘤脑转移 Temporally dependent intracranial control of melanoma brain metastasis by stereotactic radiotherapy in patients treated with immune-checkpoint blockade
10:48-10:54马红莲 Dr. Honglian Ma持续静脉泵注恩度联合同期放化疗治疗不可切除Ⅲ期非小细胞肺癌:一项前瞻性多中心Ⅱ期临床试验的初步分析(NCT01733589) Continuous intravenous Endostar pumping combined concurrent chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of unresectable stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer: preliminary analysis from a prospective, multicenter Phase Ⅱ clinical trial (NCT01733589)
10:55-11:02刘怀 Dr. Huai Liu免疫基因变异和局部晚期鼻咽癌的预后 Genetic variation in immune genes and prognosis of locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma
11:03-11:10赵丽娜 Dr. Lina Zhao什么是肺癌立体定向放射治疗局部控制的最佳剂量?10年1092名患者的经验汇报 What is the optimal SABA dose for local control after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in lung cancer?A 10 year’ experience of 1092 patients
第六部分主持人Moderators: Jing Li 韩春 Dr. Chu Han 郁志龙 Dr. Zhilong Yu 胡超苏 Dr. Chaosu Hu主题:磁共振影像创新指导治疗和疗效评价 Imaging Innovations to guide treatment and response: Utility of MRI
11:10-11:35David Fuller 副教授磁共振加速器及磁共振指导头颈肿瘤的治疗 MR Linac consortium and MRI guidance for H&N therapy
11:35-11:55Steven H. Lin 林诗胜 副教授 磁共振评价食道癌治疗反应 MR response assessment in esophageal adenocarcinoma
11:55-12:15王晖 教授 Dr. Hui Wang 功能磁共振在食管鳞癌放化疗疗效评估的早期经验 Early Experience in using Functional MRI as Predictive Marker for Therapeutic Response for Esophageal Cancer After Chemoradiation
12:15-12:35Jingfei Ma 马进飞教授 磁共振用于动态组织的挑战和策略 MRI of moving tissues: challenges and strategies
12:35-12:45点评专家: 傅小龙 Xiaolong Fu 胡德胜 Desheng Hu专家点评 Discussant
8:00-10:00美国MD安德森癌症中心静脉输液和造口伤口失禁护理中心主任Todd A. Rowe Todd A. Rowe: Director of the venous transfusion and incontinence colostomy wound care center of MDA静脉输液临床实践与科研 Clinical practice and scientific research of venous transfusion
10:00-11:00湖南省肿瘤医院护理部副主任:李旭英 Li Luying: vice director of nursing department of HCH多学科合作的血管通道小组的组建与管理 The building and management of the Multidisciplinary cooperation of vascular channels team
11:00-12:00湖南省肿瘤医院护理部副主任:李旭英 Li Luying: vice director of nursing department of HCH运用质量控制践行《静脉治疗护理技术操作规范》 Using quality control to practice the nursing technical operation specification of Intravenous therapy
12:00-13:00午餐 Lunch
Fletcher Society 年会和湖南放射肿瘤学会年会
第七部分主持人 Moderators: 席许平 Dr. Xuping Xi 王仁生 Dr. Rensheng Wang 杨坤禹 Dr. Kunyu Yang胸部肿瘤放射治疗进展 Advancement in Radiotherapy for Thoracic Malignancies
13:30-14:00廖仲星 教授 Dr. Zhongxing Liao肺癌放疗剂量提升的思考 Consideration in radiation dose escalation for lung cancer
14:00-14:25夏廷毅 教授 Dr. Tingyi Xia 胰腺癌治疗新认知
14:25-14:50卢冰 教授 Dr. Bing Lu IV期非小细胞肺癌的治疗 Management in Stage IV NSCLC
14:50-15:50主持人Moderators: 申良方 Dr. Liangfang Shen 涂青松 Dr. Qingsong Tu
14:50-15:15傅小龙 教授 Dr. Xiao Long Fu Ⅲ期非小细胞肺癌治疗常规和新探索 Innovation and Standard Treatment in Stage III NSCLC
15:15-15:40李宝生 教授 Dr. Baosheng Li 食管癌非手术综合治疗值得关注的问题 Consideration in Non-Surgical Treatment for Esophageal Cancer
15:40-15:50点评专家:袁智勇 Dr. Zhiyong Yuan 于世英 Dr. Shiying Yu 专家点评 Discussant
15:50-16:00茶歇 Tea Break
16:00-17:15主持人 Moderators: 吴湘玮 Dr. Xiangwei Wu 肖绍文 Dr. Shaowen Xiao 曹培国 Dr. Peiguo Cao
16:00-16:25Changhu Chen 教授脑肿瘤治疗及进展
16:25-16:50申良方 教授 Dr. Liangfang Shen 鼻咽癌临床分期及靶区勾画探讨 Clinical Staging and Target Delineation in Nasopharyngeal Cancer
16:50-17:15宋启斌 教授 Dr. Qibing Song非小细胞肺癌脑转移的治疗进展 Treatment for brain metastasis in SCLC
17:15-18:40主持人 Moderators:周光华 Dr. Guanghua Zhou 张九堂 Dr. jiutang Zhang 杨立 Dr. Li Yang
17:15-17:40唐劲天 教授 Jintian Tang肿瘤物理治疗新技术的研发与挑战 New Technology in Physical Therapy for Cancer Treatment -Innovation and Challenges
17:40-18:05田野 教授 Dr. Ye Tian放疗后认知功能障碍发病机制及临床转化研究的现状 Mechanism and Translational Research in the Development of Cognitive Function After Radiation Therapy
18:05-18:30傅深 教授 Dr. Shen Fu前列腺癌精准放疗的变迁与转化研究的思考 Precise Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer - Translation and Transition
18:30-18:40点评专家: 廖仲星 Dr. Zhongxing Liao专家点评 Discussant
13:00-14:00湖南省肿瘤医院护士长:李金花 Li Jinhua: the head nurse of HCH静脉炎与药物外渗的预防与处理 The Prevention and treatment of Phlebitis and drug exosmosis
14:00-14:30湖南省肿瘤医院麻醉科主任:杨金凤 Yang Jinfeng:director of anesthesiology Department of HCH中心静脉导管的植入与管理 The implantation and management of Central venous catheter
14:30-15:00湖南省肿瘤医院超声科主任:唐石初 Tang Shichu : director of the Ultrasonic Department of HCH超声在血管穿刺置管中的应用 The application of ultrasound in the venous catheterization
15:00-15:30湖南省肿瘤医院放诊科主任:于小平 Yu Xiaoping: the director of the UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment of HCHPICC定位解剖参数的研究 Research of anatomy parameter of PICC
15:30-16:00湖南省肿瘤医院介入科主任:古善智 Gu Shanzhi: the director of the intervention department of HCH血管通路相关血栓及断管的处理 The processing of thrombosis and tube broken in Vascular access
16:00-16:15中南大学湘雅二医院护士长:彭永芝 Peng Yongzhi: the The head nurse of the second hospital affiliated to xiangya medical school of Central South University导管相关性血栓案例分享 Catheter-related thrombosis cases sharing
16:15-16:30南华大学附二医院:肖丽艳护士长 Xiao Liyan:the head nurse of the second hospital affiliated to Nanhua University导管相关性血栓案例分享 Catheter-related thrombosis cases sharing
16:30-16:45常德市第一人民医院:张克美 Zhang Kemei: the 1st people’s hospital of Changde经验分享 Experience sharing
16:45-17:00娄底市中心医院:李艳辉 Li Yanhui: the center hospital of LoudiPICC导管相关性静脉炎的预防与处理 The implantation and management of PICC
17:00-17:15湖北芜湖医院:刘心阳 Liu Xinyang: Wuhu hospital of HubeiPICC门诊建设 The construction of the Outpatient service of PICC
17:15-17:30株洲市一医院:王芳 Wang Fang: the 1st hospital of Zhuzhou运用普通B超机开展PICC置管 The PICC catheterization with ordinary B super machine
17:30-18:00湖南省肿瘤医院副院长:谌永毅教授 Professor Chen Yongyi, Vice President of HCH总结&发放证书 Summary Issuing the certificate
18:00-20:00晚餐 Supper











湖南省外国专家局 湖南省抗癌协会

爱尔健康产业集团珂信肿瘤医院 齐鲁制药有限公司

湖南省放疗质量控制中心 湖南省肿瘤化疗质量控制中心









地 址:长沙市岳麓区桐梓坡路283号

电 话:0731-88651900

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网 址:www.hnzlyy.com

